2) Next, you should go into a building called "Locutorio de Internet." It is not, as you will expect, a place with free wireless. Instead, there will be lots of small children playing games, and looking at questionable websites. Americans have a word for this: the information commons of a public library.
3) After leaving the locutorio, you should enter the next building that has a sign in the window that says, "Internet." Although, they will indeed have an internet connection, it will only be on one computer and it will not be wireless. You will also be able to purchase airline tickets, change money and place long distance phone calls if you so chose.
4) Then you should proceed to ask a grocery employee where the Starbucks is. Once he tells you the location, be sure to ask him if it has why-fie. He will look at you confused. What ever you do, do not pronounce it weee-feee.
5) If you are committed to not finding an Internet Cafe, stay away from Starbucks, and other American cafes, they are the only places in Lima that are reported to actually have public internet.
Not really all that surprising, considering the rather low Interent penetration in Peru, as only about a quarter of the people there use the Internet! Such a difficult idea for American university students like us to conceptualize, though I suppose after this adventure, you probably have a better understanding than I.